Members' Lottery

  • Features
  • How To Enter
  • The Rules
  • Sponsors
  • Prize Winners

About our exclusive, members-only Lottery

Our fair and fantastic Members’ Lottery (run by HEYCU Friendly Folk) offers you the chance to win valuable prizes every month

We pay out at least 50% of our proceeds, plus the equivalent of two extra draws for our super Christmas Draw with lots more prizes.  After paying out our prize winners, all Lottery proceeds are donated to your Credit Union to help it provide you, our members, with even better services.


  • Tickets cost £1 each per month
  • Maximum of 10 tickets per member per month
  • Over £700 in cash prizes
  • First prize - minimum £300
  • Super Christmas draws


Complete our online application form.



Complete an application form.



Speak to our friendly team on 01482 778753 Mon-Fri 10 am to 3.30 pm).


Note: Remember you must have funds in your Membership account to be eligible for entry.


What happens if I win?

A list of all winners will appear here each month and on our social media pages. We’ll also notify you by post.


The Friendly Folk lottery is a private prize draw and is only open to members of HEY Credit Union.

1. The Lottery is drawn by the 3rd Wednesday of every month. 

2. Members may attend the draw by prior arrangement with the Lottery Committee.

3. Tickets cost £1 each and members may have a maximum of ten tickets.

4. Prizes are decided by the Lottery Committee. The total prize money will be at least half the total income from tickets. The balance, after costs have been deducted, will be donated to HEY Credit Union to be used for the benefit of the members.

5. The prize winners will be notified in writing and the winning names displayed on the HEYCU website. Members agree to take part in any publicity that may be arranged.

6. Entry can only be allowed if sufficient funds for each draw are in the Membership account of the Member to cover the full cost of their tickets.

7. A member of the Lottery Committee is present at every draw.

8. Prize money is paid into a Member’s Membership or instant access savings account.

9. The Member’s Membership Account must be in credit to be eligible to buy tickets.

10. Any member whose Loan Account is in arrears will be automatically suspended from taking part in the Lottery.

11. Once an application has been received the member will be included in all Lottery draws (provided these rules are satisfied) until the member cancels their lottery application in writing.

12. The Lottery Committee administers all Lottery income on behalf of the members and accounts for it separately from any Credit Union funds.

13. The Lottery Committee is chosen by and from the members of HEY Credit Union.

14. Any queries or complaints about the Lottery should be addressed to The Lottery Committee, HEYCU Friendly Folk, c/o 38 Brook Street, Hull, HU2 8LA.

15. The Lottery Committee’s decision on all matters shall be considered final.


Your business could benefit from sponsoring our Lottery


How can I sponsor?

You would need to provide a prize that can be given away to our Lottery players each month (worth £20 minimum). This could be cash, a gift, or a voucher for example.

What would my business get in return?

Your business name would be advertised across our 17,000+ members every month and wherever we market our Lottery, in return for your sponsorship.

How do I find out more?

Email us at or call us on 01482 778753 (Mon-Fri 10 am to 3.30 pm).


© Hull & East Yorkshire Credit Union | Registered under the Credit Union Act 1979 and the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Our FRN is 213620.